> Can someone help me with my workout routine?

Can someone help me with my workout routine?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I already have my workout routine going, I switch it about every month or two and don't need help with the weights program so much. The problem I am having is I want to add cardio and stretching in without potentially hurting my weightlifting or burning muscle/strength. I have pretty bad anxiety and get some depression and think the cardio and stretching will help better my state of mind and hopefully help me with my weightlifting and other sports I partake in. I like to do more of a powerlifting style of lifting weights, so my body isn't getting much cardio attention at all. What kind of cardio/stretching should I do; and when should I do it? Also, how much time should I leave between eating and doing cardio? And I'm assuming I should eat/protein shake directly after just like weightlifting? I've really never gone out of my way to do cardiovascular activity since high school. Thank you for reading and for any help!