> Do you think it is wrong to use legendaries in pokemon battles?

Do you think it is wrong to use legendaries in pokemon battles?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Many people do especially online. I find it unfair when my non-legendary team gets defeated by others who use shiny arceus. Everyone on youtube talk about it like it's a normal thing e.g. " I crushed his team with level 100 raquaza and level 80 blazinken." Legendaries are overpowered and I feel only noobs who can't defeat champions use them since they cant deal with average pokemon. Anyone else think the same?
I don't understand why most people complain about this. I don't use legendaries in any fight I only collect them but if your teams were even worth a damn it wouldn't matter because if you know how to Iv breed and EV train then you could knock out every legendary in your path with a simple common pokemon.
I don't really care since it's part of the game. Keep in mind this game is more or less designed for children lol. They wouldn't be legendary if they didn't have some kind of advantage over non legendaries. If the champion didn't want to get beat, they should've had stronger pokemon. Their fault.
Legendaries are for noobs. PERIOD. I only collect them but never have I used them because my tyranitar can destroy your 100 mewtwo.
Your right, they are noobs. I don't think it's wrong but I would personally like the 100 level limit to go away because I feel like it would make it more challenging, idk, thats just my opinion.