> Girls, Ladies??? HELP?

Girls, Ladies??? HELP?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Im a guy, and my best friend is a girl. Shes beautiful and we have lunch together every day at school. We had a major fall-out about a year ago, because she got a boyfriend. I dont fancy her but i feel weird. Now she told me she is bisexual and that she is seeing a girl. My best friend meets this girl and ever since they have been seeing, my best friend declines my calls and ignores my texts. Its really hurtfull because shes amazing! i just dont know what to say to her. I want her to call me and make contact with me instead of me phoning her all the time! 8 days have gone past and i never bothered to contact her, but in those 8 days she never phoned, texted, facebooked, snapchatted me anything, even to see if im okay because my family had a serious car crash. I miss her so much!
aw. oh my gosh. I think you should confront her in person. You should tell her nicely that you miss her and that she hasn't been around lately. she's your best friend, just let it all out on her. That's one of the reasons she's supposed to be your best friend. To feel you out and stuff. Tell her how you feel.