> Help Me Prove I Can Have A Airsoft Gun?

Help Me Prove I Can Have A Airsoft Gun?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Ok im 12 and I really want a airsoft gun. My mom and dad say no my mom won't budge and she won't give me any reasons why not. My dad is a little more flexible. At first his reason why not was he didn't think i was mature enough. Then I showed him a powerpoint on why I should get one and his reasons changed to "They look too real" and "I don't believe in guns". I think it is ridiculous because my friends have airsoft machine guns and I'm not allowed to get a little pistol. Can you post some answers saying what i should say to my mom and dad thanks!
You should say, ok I'll ask again when I'm older. Airsoft guns are not toys. They can break teeth, pierce ears or cheeks, Rupture eardrums, or penetrate your eyes. I've been airsofting for 9 years if you showed up on any field I was at i'd leave. Regardless of how mature you think you are you're not. If you were you'd understand why your parents are saying no. You're a child. If you fcuk up, and you will, because eventually everyone does, you're parents are reponsible. I could go on, but you won't care, you want what you want that's why you asked what you asked and why you shouldn't have one