> I can't drive?

I can't drive?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I'm about 18 now and I've been trying to drive for about a year and a half. I'm fine with places I know where it's easy and my parking's good, but when there are more than three lanes and I have to cross all of them, or if there's a lot of traffic and everyone's going really fast, I get freaked out and my mind just goes blank. I almost killed someone today because I just didn't know what to do and I slammed on the brakes and I feel so bad. I just suck. I don't really know what to do because I need to learn how to drive but no matter how much I try, I don't really get better. I feel like it's more responsible for me, as a sucky driver, not to drive. I have a lot of anxiety issues and I think that's why I'm so bad at it. All I can tell you is that I'm sitting here literally crying my eyes out because I don't know what to do and I can't go on anxiety meds or anything like that. I just feel really hopeless. How do I get better at this? Did anyone else experience anything like this? What did you do? Should I just give up?
I think MOST new drivers experience anxiety. You probably need about 8 years driving experience to get over it. I think that's why most professional driving jobs require you to be 25+
Just drive locally, and stay off the highways as much as possible. Don't wait to cross all three lanes at the same time. Take it one at a time, in plenty of time to make it to the lane you want to be in before you get there. Pay attention to what is in front of you, more than what is going on behind you. Just check for that when you are changing lanes.