> The skin under my nose/above my upper lip is dark?

The skin under my nose/above my upper lip is dark?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
it looks like i have a mustache but i dont? ive waxed that part before and it still looked dark. help?
I feel you - got some mustache like in my upper lip. I use cream and concealer to hide it.
try to do threading not waxing the wax can make it black and ya try lemon on it
it is normal but i think you need to have facial.
You can use a bit of lemon juice on that area and over time it should lighten. Try and stay away from direct sunlight during this time (aka do it at night time) as sunlight would lighten this are too much. Also dont do this if you have very dry skin, since it might irritate the area too much. Good luck :)
They have skin lightening creams to help with that, if you go to a salon to get waxed, ask if they do treatments for them. Walmart has some products but they don't always work as well.