> What is the best hairstyle for me?Thick, naturally curly?

What is the best hairstyle for me?Thick, naturally curly?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I have thick blonde hair that gets curly and then fuzzy and frizzy after it dries. To make the curl stay and it look not like a fuzz ball, I put FrizzEase mousse in and hairspray! But I feel stuck! Are there other ways to do stuff with my hair? I love having my hair down. Can you suggest any layering, new trim style, or some kind of thinning? What specific products work for you? Can I have detailed directions? Anything cute and stylish, but modest! Of course, I don't have all the time in the world to do my hair, but...I'll take any ideas! Thank you! HELP! :)
I recommend looking for a Devacut by a professional who has gotten lots positive reviews. You can go onto www.devacurl.com to see which one of their salons is closest to you. They're products are nice. I really like Morrocan Oil Curl products. They are amazing but soooo expensive. Also fyi, the most important thing about curly hair is that you moisturize. Try using aloe vera juice and water in a spray bottle and then seal your hair with argan afterwards or whatever moisturizer works well on your hair type (shea, grapeseed, almond, whatever...).