> Who else is proud of Pres. Bill Clinton calling for gun control?

Who else is proud of Pres. Bill Clinton calling for gun control?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 

while I believe some regulations need to be in place the fact is gun violence is a symptom of a much larger cultural issue that will not be solved by gun laws
I am glad.
He has less pull than a push-button.
It sounds like he's admitting that gun rights have overwhelming support in the USA.
Bill has the GOD like effect echo turned on and those graphics are of global warming... which makes me want to puke. Motion sickness is self-evident here!
Is this not the same man who went to canada because he was to coward to fight in vietnam...what is expected!
Considering what happened yesterday he should be calling for the turn-in and banning of all kitchen utensils if he is a genuine liberal.
Take guns and the mentally deranged will shift to knives or bombs. As has been proved a year ago, a bomb can be fabricated with ingredients found in most homes
not me