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Will Keratin Give You More Hair?

Hair. Before and After. Damaged Hair Treatment. HaircareA Brazilian keratin hair straightening treatment is a great way to give yourself a new look that features long, straight, and sexy looking hair. But will it actually give you more hair?

The answer is, “Yes and no”. Yes, keratin can make your hair look fuller and more vibrant, which can make it appear that you have more hair. Keratin also uses the same natural proteins that already are found in your hair, binding them with a heat process to give you stronger, flatter, and more attractive hair.

But no, keratin doesn’t actually make your hair longer. At least not the way extensions do. Your hair will be the same length, just flatter, stronger, and fuller looking.

Keratin Hair Treatment — Ways to Get Longer Hair

If you want longer hair, the best way is the most natural way: Grow it out. But this can take time, months or even years, to get the length you want. And in the meantime, you have to live with your hair in the transition stage.

Another way to get longer hair is to use artificial means. These include weaves, extensions, or even wigs.

But the best way to make your own natural hair look fuller, straighter, and more attractive is with a Brazilian keratin hair straightening treatment by Maria Teixeira at your local professional hair salon.

Keratin Hair Treatment — Longer Looking Hair

While keratin won’t add to the physical length of your hair, it does straighten your hair so that it looks longer. And your keratin treatment can last weeks or even months.

So if you want the kind of long, lush, and sexy hair that turns heads wherever you go, consider treating yourself to a Brazilian keratin hair straightening treatment. It’s the natural way to get the look you want and the look that lasts.


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