> Confidence Building?

Confidence Building?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I have, out of 100%, probably 36% self confidence. Im sick of feeling un attractive, and sad all the time. I want to feel good about myself, so if you could tell me how to do this.. please do. (long descriptive ideas)
Look at yourself as if you are the most gorgeous person you have ever seen, because you are. :D crank up your music really loud and just dance it out :') do something daring everyday and then be proud of yourself because you did it! You've alredy done that once because asking a personal question here needs a lot of courage. Find the things you love most about yourself and write them down. Be proud . Good luck!! :)
Hi dear, Below are 8 ways for improving your self esteem, self confidence or self worth. A. Be positive. Focus on talents and achievements, rather than shortcomings. B. Set realistic and achievable goals that stretches you but does not break you. Do not be hard on yourself. Let go of any mistakes made in the past. C. Surround yourself with people who encourage you in whatever you decide to do. D. Monitor and celebrate your success. Reward yourself when you accomplish goals. E. Take good care of yourself. Your body, mind, health and spirit. F. Regularly practice self-love. Look into the mirror each day and say: Wow...How wonderful you are. I love you. G. Work with a professional coach, counselor or spiritual teacher. H. Use personal development programs. One I like can be found at the link below. There are others you can find online. Hope will help. Thanks.