> Daily routines and hygiene?

Daily routines and hygiene?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Name 14 steps please
Do you mean my personal daily routine? Well, it varies. It usually goes something like this though: -wake up -breakfast, water, tea -read a bit, check some emails, whatever I need to do online -go for a run if its nice outside or do zumba or some other exercise -shower... shampoo, condition hair, wash body, shave if needed -after shower, I use mousse to scrunch my hair. -lotion body, deoderant, get dressed... -have lunch -go to work (I am a nanny) unless it's my day off, then I spend it on the internet! -wash my face before bed with just cold water... i have clear skin so i don't need acne products -occasionally i will exfoliate my face with this vanilla bean scrub -braid my hair, brush teeth, go to sleep!