> Discharge coming from both ears?

Discharge coming from both ears?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Hello. For about a year white, yellow, and brown discharge has been coming out of my ears. Not constantly, but on and off. I went to the doctor, and she checked it, but at the time she checked it there wasn't any discharge. I told her it comes sometimes but I don't think she believed me. She prescribed me eardrops, and it didn't help at all. I've been doing eardrops for about two weeks and it only made it have more of that icky stuff, and now there are occasional ear aches and I can't hear well. (On a side note earaches began happening after there was a popping, cracking sound where my jaw connects to my ear, and I told my doctor that and she just nodded) Also, both of my toes are turning yellow. One i black on one side, and I know it is caused my trauma, but there is like a yellowish bump forming below it. It is a little sore and its annoying. On my other toe, there's a yellow stripe across it. Both toes were like this for, I don't know, maybe 4-5 months. I told my doctor and she said it was only trauma, no fungal infection or anything and to just leave it alone. I don't believe her. It aches more and the yellow is spreading and it's so disgusting. Is my doctor right? If not, what exactly is the problem? I don't trust my doctor at all (although I know I should, I don't) Please help?
My 5year old just had this same problem he had to get surgery you should go to a diffrent doctor :) good luck feel better
There might be some kind of infection present but we can't know if it's right if you don't undergo blood tests and the like. Why not ask for a second opinion, a different doctor and a specialist for Eyes, Ears, Nose &Throat. As for your foot, are you perhaps diabetic or do your wounds not heal fast or as normal wounds do? If not, you should consider the possibility and so you need to check out with another doctor. Good luck!!