> Do people realise how much a cow grieves when its baby is stolen away from her?

Do people realise how much a cow grieves when its baby is stolen away from her?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
A cow is known to bellow for 3-4 days after its calf is taken away for veal?
You've never worked on a farm, have you? Cows are not that bright. They even rank lower than some of the people on YA.
Cows don't have emotion, I LIKE MEEEEAAAAATTTTT!
If you are referring to the cows' emotions, why are you referring to them as inanimate objects? Obviously the cows to whom you are referring are female, so why not us the female pronouns? Isabel, if cows cry when their calves are taken away, then how do they not realize that their babies are gone? Last October, our kids, with the rest of the Sunday school kids, went to a member's farm to take photos for the Sunday school Christmas pageant. The farmer told somebody that the calf that was being used was just a couple of days old. That made me sad and I wondered if the farmer would have tolerated having one of his kids taken from him that young. (My three-year-old son, who hadn't self-weaned yet, thought the calf and the cows were cool.)
yes it is sad, but as a farmer most of our cows don't realize that they are even gone. if that helps sooth your concouis