> How do I get taller faster?

How do I get taller faster?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for how to get taller? I'm already in middle school and I'm only 4 feet 8 inches? Please! I really want to get around 5 feet when I get 13-15! Things I Have Tried Before: 1: Not hunching! 2: Drink lots of milk! 3: Sleep early! (Like 10pm Central Time Zone St. Paul, MN!) Please! Any more ideas or suggestions would be thanked for! I really want to get taller fast! Thanks! ;)
I'm guessing you are a girl, and in that case being petite is definitely not a bad thing. Trust me, you are only in middle school and there is a very good chance that you will grow, considering most girls' growth plates fuse completely around 15 or 16, or earlier or later depending on genetics. If your family is short, there is a good chance you will be on the shorter side. If the women in your family are average sized, such as five foot five, you will likely be around that height, or shorter if the men in your family aren't very tall. My father is six foot three and my mother five seven, which puts me at five eight at age 15. I can suggest that you try to eat protein, fruits and vegetables, and calcium to make your bones stronger, which can but is is not proven to help your height. And whatever you do, don't stress it! I am in high school and many many girls are short. If you have a small body, embrace it! Petite is just another body shape that is just as good as the rest of them.
I was shorter than you in middle school and when i got into High School i shot up like a rocket. Dont worry about it. It just takes time.