> How do u turn someone in for collecting disability?

How do u turn someone in for collecting disability?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I have pictures of him doing strenouswork
Not all disabilities are physical.
YOu don't know what the disability is, so you don't know if he is committing a crime. It could be one related to a mental illness. Then you will add massive stress to his life for no reason and make things worse. Unless you have FACTS and not assumptions, stay out of it. You also don't even bother to say what kind of disability the person is on - state, federal, workers compensation, private disability. They all have different standards for disability.
you'll need to call the government dept responsible and tell the right person , show the proof you have , write down what you know in a signed statement as a witness and when you're asked to go to court and testify do so you might not be reporting anything useful though , if the persons disability is mental then doing physical labor is not a crime and maybe they did the work only because nobody would help and were still in pain ?
You can contact the social security administration office. You can check the social security web-site for more information.
Contact the office of the inspector general at: But if it's a "person of color" you're probably wasting your time.