> I read a text and now I wish I didn't....?

I read a text and now I wish I didn't....?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I was on my mom's phone. She said to text my brother to get milk from the store on his way home. I went to go text him, but came across a rather sexual text from a memory of what she used to do with her old school buddy, Damien. Damien is a nice guys and all but now I can't even look at him. How can I confront my mom about this? Should I?
Just try and forget about it, because everything will get WAAAAYYYY more awkward and disturbing if you confront her about it. Trust me. Just try and move on and forget.
Be like mom warn me next time wen u have text like those in ur phone be blunt because it mess with ur mind. Then she will know what your talking about.
Thats why you shouldnt read messages that you shouldnt
Why confront your mom about her personal business? What is she supposed to do about it?
No, beat Damien up.