> Leopard Gecko Heating?

Leopard Gecko Heating?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Okay so im really stressing out here. If i get a leopard gecko do i put a heat mat on one side of the tank with a heat lamp over it or two heat mats on each side. or do i just use 2 heat mats and 1 lamp! Im really confused and stressed out. and do i get Calcium with D3 or without D3?
No need to be worried. Choose a warm side. Put ONE heat mat under the tank on the warm side (with paper towels as spacers), you don't need 2. Lighting is optional, but it goes on the warm side above the tank (it doesn't have to be directly over the heat pad), you can get day and night lights or just a night light and leave it on all day.. You can use either calcium with or with out D3. I suggest Rep-Cal or Repti Calcium. My geckos love to lick it up! Good Luck!
Well, I have a similar situation, I have a heated cave and what I do is have it onthe opposite side of the terrarium because if the heating pad os directly under it it would over heat and your gecko would be harmed. So use one heat pad and check it about once a month to make sure its not over heating/dying so you would have a backup The leopard geckos can go with d3 and with out it so dont worry about that Good luck
No need to be stressed out! It is really quite easy. First of all, unless it gets REALLY cold where you are, no heat lamp is needed. Leopard geckos are nocturnal, and should have and prefer heat mats. Simply buy one to place under half of the tank on the bottom. Also, you can use Repashy Calcium Plus. It is basically a great mix of everything you need as a supplement. One bottle is about the same price as one bottle of Calcium alone. If you want separate bottles or can't find that one, I suggest getting the Rep-Cal Calcium without D3, and Rep-Cal Herptivite. Mix them two parts calcium to one part Herptivite. For information on how often, and other brands to use read this: