> Is this mentioned in the talmud?

Is this mentioned in the talmud?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
apparently the talmud mentions "legume's jelly." I think the Indians from India who eat a thick jelly stew of legumes have actually been deceived: its apparently yahoodi food now: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dal question 2: since when did the hebrew word khomets or whatever the hell it is for vinegar equal olive oil or hummus? apparently a user claimed a chapter in the torah prophesies about hummus! this user clearly failed his/her chemistry class: compare the ph levels of both. don't delete this post. it's my most pc post yet and its an honest one capiche? :)
The Hebrew name for Hummus is Chimtse or Chametz "?????" ?? "???" now Chimtse means Chickpeas and Hummus is made of Cheakpeaes, henceforth Chumus was first mentioned in the Old testament in it's Hebrew name. And yes, Chametz means leavened food not allowed during Passover, Hummus is not allowed during Passover.....bercause it is chametz .category of kitniyot, means that Hummus is not leavened,...... Now if you got all that then here is the Biblical verse "??? ????? ??? ????, ????? ?? ???? ????? ???? ?????". The word used is ???? and that means a food that is/was/will be chametz Trust me on this I speak perfect Hebrew.......