> Life is Beautiful Movie Responses?

Life is Beautiful Movie Responses?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I don't know where to watch the movie for free and I need to fill out a worksheet for school. It has to do with the holocaust, so If you've seen it can you please help me answer this questions. (I don't know if they go with the movie or opinions) *With specific details 1) "I liked the part when. . " 2) "I learned. . About the holocaust from the movie" 3) "I really saw how bad concentration camps were when" 4) "this movie made me wonder if" 5)"the most impactful part of the movie for me was when" Thank you.
How can your teacher assign you to watch a movie and not make the movie available to you or tell you where to find it? It would be cheating to answer these questions for you. Seriously, you're asking us to do your homework for you. If you're not going to watch the movie, at least look up a synopsis of it and pick your answers out from that. It's still cheating, but at least you're doing SOME work that way.