> Just really confused?

Just really confused?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I'm pretty sure I'm considered a "curvy girl". I am 5'3 and I weigh 115 lbs. I have a prominent butt and boobs, but I just feel fat. Ive had self confidence issues for a long time and I have a problem with fasting and stuff like that and I just don't know if my body shape is decent or okay. I feel as if everyone thinks I'm fat and that I'm not good enough.
115 is actually underweight for someone who is 5'3. Don't worry about what people think of your body. The important thing is eating healthy, not focusing on weighing less or looking less fat. I'm sure your body is beautiful. If you fast or do other unhealthy things to try losing weight, your body will look much less beautiful because it won't be healthy.
judgeing from your description you seem perfect but if you wanna do something to make yourself feel better then start lifting weights (compound lifts like squats deadlifts est) and do some cardio, don't focus on weight loss just focus on feeling good and building muscle cause muscle burns fat and muscle weighs more then fat and when it comes to diet just eat "real" foods and by that I mean non processed foods, a good rule of thumb when grocery shopping is to stick to the edges of the store where the dairy, meats and fruits/vegetables are at and avoid the aisles where most of the processed stuff is at