> My friend dumped me?

My friend dumped me?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
My friend graduated undergraduate college 2 yeara ago and moved on to graduate school. She dumped me and said I have new friends now and turned into a mean person. She posts on facebook " love my new friends! " and she is 25 years old...and now I dont talk to her now but she is giving me attitude over facebook by writing on my best friends walls and acting petty. I am working and I dont have time for this drama. She has obviously done something wrong but refuses to see it or admit she has made a mistake. So I feel like I was punished for nothing and she wont be punished at all. She is a child but has more friends than I do which I dont understand...ugh
Too me you sound jealous that she has more friends than you. However, she is not also a good friend because she is behaving petty for real. Who does that? I am one years older than her but she is behaving like an 14 year old. Forget about being friends with her!