> How To Lose Weight Fast?

How To Lose Weight Fast?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I weigh 73.5 kg, and am 178 cm. I want to get to around 65. What would be an easy way to do this? Please help! Best and most detailed answer gets 10 points!
Losing weight is a slow and steady process, but every little bit helps. Employing these smart tricks every time you eat a meal will keep you on the right track. Think fiber and protein: When it comes to creating the best plate for losing weight, choose the nutrients that give you the most bang for your buck. Make sure you have lean protein and fiber-filled foods like fruits and vegetables at each meal - you'll stay satisfied longer than if you chow down on fast-burning carbs. Add a sprinkle of chia seeds, a side of broccoli, or these other fiber-filled foods, and make these lean meats or these vegetarian protein sources your plate's star. Sit down at a table when you eat: Walking around snacking, eating at your desk, or indulging on the couch can mean adding hundreds of extra calories into your day. Make meals about mindful eating by sitting down at a table when you eat and paying attention to your meal. When you focus on mealtime, you'll be more likely to notice when you're satisfied so you can put down the fork. Drink water before your meal: As soon as you sit down for a meal, drink a glass of water. It'll help you recognize the difference between hunger and thirst and fill you up without the calories. If you're tired of plain water, flavor your drink with lemon, cucumber, ginger, or mint for a fresh and delicious alternative that also helps flush toxins out of your body. If you want more weight loss tips please visit the below source link: