> My mom wants me to be her mother she says I don't do anything?!?

My mom wants me to be her mother she says I don't do anything?!?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
My mom and I have been inseparable since I was 14 because my dad went to jail for stolen weapon then my mom got a restraining order and put in divorce papers right after. More like I did because I filled out the papers translated and had to talk to everyone for her because she doesn't speak English she literally refuses to learn and is so lazy for her own responsibilities I had to go on independent study because she couldn't even go to the grocerie store without me to put in the PIN number. She always wants me to impersonate her when it comes to calling companies. She won't even get off of the car to make a deposit or withdrawal from the ATM!! It's been this way for 4 years and along the way I've been suicidle on medication and sleep medicine! Now I just can't take it anymore she goes to the casino and wants me to make her credit card payments I flat out said no and since she went 3 days late they charged her 55$ and she blamed me!!!!!!! She told me if I didn't want to do these things I should just leave! Of course that is not what I want but I make sure the bills get paid on time in a household with 3 other adults go to school do homework and I'm trying to make something of my life and she says I do nothing all day. We've done therapy I've talked to her one on one so have my brothers and sisters and she just gets offended! What do I do????