> POLL: peircings on girls?

POLL: peircings on girls?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
what do you think is the hottest/cutest pericing on a girl? &what do you think the most disgusting/ugly peircing on a girl is? rate these pericings o a girl 1-10: first peircing (ear): double pericing (ear): cartilage pericings (top of ear): belly button peircing: nipple peircing: eyebrow peircing: tounge peircing: lip peircing: nose peircing: "down there" peircing:
First piercing: Cute but doesnt really matter Doubles: 7 Cartilage: 8 or 9, I think it looks awesome Belly button: 9 Nipple: 1, I think it just looks weird and uncomfortable Eyebrow: Looks boyish I'd say 2 Tongue: 5 Lip: If you have a more goth, scene, or edgy vibe then its hot 7 Nose: 9 "down there": 0 These are just my opinions though