> School Psychologist or School Counselor?

School Psychologist or School Counselor?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I have had my BA in Psychology, minor in Family Relations since 2008. I chose this degree because my Father passed when I was a senior in high school. My high school counselor helped tremendously. Since then, I've interned at a junior high as a. Counselor, worked with kids of all sorts; typical, autistic, disabled, and severely behaviorally challenged. I love the field and I need to get more education to make a career for myself. I'm need to work independently. Im introverted and do not like having a direct supervisor. I don't want to be micromanaged. I need room to be myself!!! I love helping others work through their own struggles, but need to be in a position to help CHANGE what ails them, not just listen to it. I don't like typing all day or driving all day but I don't like sitting in a chair indoors all day either. I like being creative and outdoorsy. I like inspiring others to find their joy, their strengths. I find small talk and little unnecessary "niceties" limiting and I don't like group think or popularity contests. Can't we all just appreciate other's uniqueness? I'm extremely intellectual and analytical. I love a good laugh and making others smile. Which career path should I choose?