> What career suits me best?

What career suits me best?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
This is something I cannot figure out. I love to do a bunch of things, so I don't know exactly what my career would be. Here's a list of things I like to do. -Good with computers -love fashion, putting cool clothes together, I have great ideas -art(love it but suck at it) -I like to write a story, but more like a script for a movie/TV show, I can make really great dialogue for one -Photography is something I enjoy -Music is a huge part of my life, I can't sing/write songs, but I just LOVE listening to music -I can make really good lyric videos, I've made some and posted them to YouTube, they're really good, it's a lot of fun for me. -When I listen to songs, I know I could make a really cool music video for them, but lol can never afford the stuff. So, do you have some ideas? Thank you by the way, this means a lot!!
Do they have Communication courses where you live? I would take a Communications course that had a film and television component. You could then use the skills to get into making music videos. Communication courses usually have scriptwriting and photography subjects, so you could indulge your passions for those as well. These days, they would probably also have lessons in creating computer-generated imagery, so you could work with computers as well! You should get a career in the music industry, perhaps taking photographs for publications like 'Rolling Stone' on the side. Independent bands often want film students to make free or low-cost music videos for them, so you would have plenty of opportunities to practice on weekends. Good luck!