> Why is it that every since I've gained more democratic views, I have hooked up with some hot girls at my college?

Why is it that every since I've gained more democratic views, I have hooked up with some hot girls at my college?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I've been in college for 3 years. But in the last year, I've hooked up with 5 different very attractive girls here! =)
you discovered chloroform
Tell me which one is your Democrat Girlfriend.
I've hooked up with 5 different very attractive girls here! I bet you have names for all five of your fingers. Creepy.
hot, airheads. yes, common among liberals.
I don't know. I've been a liberal my whole life and I can't get women to talk to me.
I guess you were unfulfilled because you did not do things God's way, and instead gave way to the lusts of the selfish flesh. Love is not selfish, and one good woman is enough for a good man. When you are carnal minded and sensual you will never understand the teachings of Christ, and you will always be unfulfilled.
You have to attend Lake Avenue Church of our Lady of the Holy Golddigger to meet some girls that won't talk to you if you don't make $100K a year.
Lower standards. What you consider "hot" and what I consider hot are two different animals. I'm pretty sure you consider Hillary "hot".
If you don't get laid in college you're either socially autistic or physically grotesque.
Because conservatives are waging a war against women and women don't like that.
Because women are more in touch w/ the dem party as the rep party oppresses them by trying to take away their right to choose (especially a college girl).
because liberals get the hottest chicks on the planet bro it's because we support contraception, while cons cant go 5 seconds without mentioning "legitimate rape" lol