> How pregnant is my Guppy and how long will it take for her fry?

How pregnant is my Guppy and how long will it take for her fry?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
So I got 2 males and 2 pregnant females and this one, how long would you reckon it would take for her to give birth before taking this photo she was near the bars (middle) and her fin was down I've heard they do that soon before birth or could it be that I turned the light on and she was relaxing I don't know, anyway how long will it take and how pregnant is she? Thanks :) Lewis K :D
She isn't very pregnant yet, trust me she will get hugely round belly and that's when she will be getting close
what are you talking about? your fish is not yet even in the middle of its pregnant state. what's the hurry? you obviously haven't seen a full grown pregnant guppy. separating a fish can be stressful. so better put it back in the main tank. guppy's gestate for a period of 28 days. and they will balloon in shape and when they're ready to give birth,the anal portion will grow very dark and you could see the fry's eyes. none of these characteristics are seen in your fish yet. also most of them give birth in the dark.