> Who wears the big boy pants, Republicans or Democrats?

Who wears the big boy pants, Republicans or Democrats?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Which of these politicians wear the big boy pants? And which need to put on the big boy pants? Obama Reid Boehner
evidently...demmy/libs don't even WEAR pants
Does it matter? They both have to pay someone else to put the pants on for them.
Republicans are more likely to wear huge rustlers jeans.
Chris Christie wears the big boy pants for sure.
Boehner actually did something couragous and brought legislation to the floor that required Democrats to approve. Reid and Obama don't have a bipartisan bone in their bodies. lol
Obama is clueless... given way to much credit as a savvy political operative. Reid is a dottering old fool, only pants he needs is depends. Boehner is more clueless than Obama, he is not conservative.
Republicans are the adults; have been since the late 60s. Everbuddy knows that.
Libs wear the Pamper....... pull-up variety.
Obongo is still in diapers, and he soils them regularly Good luck, my friend
their a pair, alright.
All three of them are seasoned professionals. It's the tea partiers that are still potty training.
Republicans used to, until the tea party monkeys took over.