> Why do I suck at fps games after a while?

Why do I suck at fps games after a while?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I play a game very similar to COD, I use to be amazing. Just about every game I'd have over a 3.00 KDR, but now I hardly get it over 1.00. I usually quit the game and come back like 3 months later, when I come back my reflexes are jumpy so I shoot things down instantly, but my reflexes are sort of use to it and I'm horrible. Should I spend less time, since I'm playing like 24/7? Why do I suck now): This always happens when I get use to the gameee.
I know what you mean...I was very good at Halo, but then I got appendicitis a few weeks ago and was in the hospital for a week. When I got home, I couldn't see anyone until it was to late and could not hit anyone. After a while, my skills went back to normal... it is just muscle memory
Muscle Memory! I don't know how much you play, but I play almost daily and have since MW2. If I take a week or so off I usually jump into just game with some bots to get it down again. Don't get frustrated, the second you feel even just a little step back for a little. A lot of it is mindset. If you think you suck or you're 'sucking' most time that's how you end up playing. Happens to everyone! Keep at it. I also take a lot of pointers from AliA on youtube. He can help you build perfect classes with almost any popular FPS.
Dang I hate when that Happens XD. This happens to me too. When I don't play for a very long time, I play so good and I even get shocked too. But when I play too long, I get worse and worse after each match. Idk why it happens though :/
you just need more practice, also remember to take some breaks while playing, maybe your body is tired. Maybe your controls/mouse sensitivity is not set right