> Will my parents be giving up there rights?

Will my parents be giving up there rights?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
If my dad sends me to juvenile wil that be giving up his rights and will department of children services be able to take me out and put me in a foster home.
your dad can't send you anywhere, a judge has to do that. CPS isn't going to take you anywhere unless there are circumstances that would warrant you to be taken out of the house for your safety and well being.
Your entire question is wrong. There's no such thing as "sending you to juvenile". Juvenile is the name they've given to prison for children. So basically your saying... "If my father sends me to prison..." Your father can NOT send you to prison. To get locked up in juvie, you first commit a crime. Then someone calls the police. Then the police do an investigation. Then the district attorney decides if they want to bring charges in court. Then you either plead guilty to a lesser charge or you go to trial. If your found guilty a judge will then sentence you. For most crimes with a clean record you would get probation and community service. If the crime is very serious, then your sent to juvy. There's no sort cut. Your dad can't call someone up and say "put this kid into juvy." Your dad could call child protective services, and basically report himself for child abuse. Then you would be put into foster care. If your being abused, you can call child protective services.