> Am I a healthy weight?

Am I a healthy weight?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Hi!!! So I'm 14 years old and a girl I'm 4'11 and weigh about 110 pounds. Most of my friends are skinner than that and it just makes me really selfconsious. I was wondering if my weight and height correspond well to each other? Like am I healthy??? And guys, would you find this kind of a body to be attractive or should I try to lose some weight? thanks!!
You are a very good weight! The average weight for a 14 years old girl is between 84-130 lbs. Your friends might be "skinny" just because of their genes, or they're athletic. Don't go trying to change yourself just to impress guys or fit in. I'm 14 years old also and I'm alright with my body type and height. Be confident! ;) you got this!
Okay so you shouldn't worry about how "skinny" your friends are, granted, you are still 14 and you probably won't realize this until later... You are you, and your body is your body-no one else's. Don't compare yourself to anyone else (or anything in magazine because we all know those are fakes) Also healthy is relative. You're still young and probably still growing so you good. Oh and. http://www.rush.edu/rumc/page-1108048103230.html Congrats you are average! I don't know (or particularly care) how you look, but I can say that getting fit is always a great idea for anyone of any body type- it leads one to a healthy lifestyle which is good!
I'm a guy and I honestly don't like it when girls are skinny. In between is the best, not fat or skinny.