> Analogies help?

Analogies help?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
1.) tumult : commotion :: __________ : party A. celebration B. funeral C. gathering 2.) split : cleave :: song : __________ A. idle B. dirge C. damage D. desire 3.) urgent : imperious :: steadfast :: A. indifferent B. illogical C. indomitable D. inevitable 4.) reject : spurn :: spoil : __________ A. idle B. dirge C. damage D. desire
1) celebration : party A celebration is similar to a party because you're having a fun time. You can also use process of elimination; funeral is the complete opposite of the word party. Gathering is getting to the connotation of party but not close enough as celebration. 2) song : dirge Both words are synonymous; dirge means a song or tune sang for the dead to express mourning. 3) steadfast : indomitable Indifferent means having no preference for something. Illogical means something has no logic or makes no sense. Indomitable means that something is impossible to defeat or unconquerable; difficult to persuade. Inevitable means something cannot be avoided and will come no matter what. Comparing all the words to steadfast (meaning unyielding or fixed in one direction), indomitable seems closest. 4) spoil : damage Idle means inactive or not doing anything. Dirge, as stated earlier, means a song or tune sang for the dead. Damage means harm caused to something to reduce its value. Desire is the feeling of desperately wanting something. Again with process of elimination or comparing the definitions, damage is most close to spoil.