> Any ideas why I do this/underlying problem?

Any ideas why I do this/underlying problem?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Why do I do this: Anytime I feel rejected/insulted (by females specifically...I am a male) I try and show that I am really smart. Like today, I texted a girl, she read the message but didn't respond, I was instantly sad, but I wanted to tweet something really smart, perhaps in latin. I do not know why I do this, but anytime i feel rejected/insulted, I feel i need to show my intelligence. Any ideas why? Or perhaps I have an underlying problem that is obvious? I want to fix this because I think I may come across arrogant.
Women will generally care more about themselves/girlfriends than caring for your needs. If you keep being submissive to women the will take away your intelligence and confidence, replacing it with self doubt, hate and anxiety. If you want to keep pursuing women, I suggest reading the book, "How to become a Alpha Male" If the context of the book seems impossible to ever grasp, eliminate women from your life. Just focus on your money making ventures, team sports [ like Rugby, Soccer/Football, or Basketball ], hobbies [ like sculpture, fixing cars, etc ], personal training [ like Martial Arts, Gym, etc], and taking courses [like Applied Math, Finance, etc]. With a full schedule, as described, you won't have time to waste, looking at women
You have been humiliated or devalued by women in the past.