> Best way to transport lavender plant?

Best way to transport lavender plant?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
ok so a while ago i planted about 8 lavender plants into 8 pots(19 inch pots) at the time i put acid soil.noob gardener here.for a while i would see some plants were yellow.just recently i tested soil with ph tester and found out the soil is acid type :/ i want to take them all out and replant them with new soil mix.what is the correct way of doing this? soil mix will be 1/3 of compost,garden soil and regular alkaline soil in my garden.plus a little dash of lime. http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b617/carlos_hernandez17/IMG_0003_zps106259b1.jpg http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b617/carlos_hernandez17/IMG_0002_zpsfb73575b.jpg http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b617/carlos_hernandez17/IMG_0001_zps422921ea.jpg
im just wondering, how did you get your lavender plants to grow? mine never germinate lol how long did you have it in there? just change the soil and u should be fine they look great, but with new soil, they'll become bigger and more healthier looking