> Can't really explain can anybody explain this??? Please?

Can't really explain can anybody explain this??? Please?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
So one day I was riding my broken bike the chain usually fell off so I ride it down my hill I was about 8 or 9 so my chain broke n I tried to fix it but my finger got caught in it was the worst pain id ever had n what made it worse was the bike fell over n pulled onto my finger it hurt so bad it was digging into my finger I really thought I was gonna die so I closed my eyes and I didn't try to pull cuz it would cause more pain and while my eyes were closed I saw the brightest light shining the brightest light I had ever seen and then I open my eyes and my finger was free what was that bright light I really think it was an angel or something cuz my finger wasn't gonna get our of the chain can anybody explain or tell me what this was
Clearly you experienced a supernatural miracle, one that occurs only among very few individuals. It may have been a blessing because of something great that you did in your life. Karma works both ways.
no nope just wait till you die