> Greyhounds?


Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I always hear 'ex-racing greyhounds' or 'rescue an ex-racer - help a greyhound today' etc. Well isn't there such thing as like, a greyhound breeder? Someone that breeds greyhounds for something other than racing? I've never heard of it and can't find any on google but they exist right?
Yes, certainly. The Greyhound Club of America has a breeder referral service:
There are people who bred greyhounds for show and lure coursing (like a race, but no betting and only 1-3 dogs run at a time). Dogs who would not make good show dogs would be sold as pets. It's really not that different from any other bred that is bred for show and could also compete in agility, fly ball, hunt trials, herding, water rescue, or carting. They are activities that can challenge a dog and show what the breed is supposed to do. Greyhounds are bred to run and chase, so lure coursing provides them a way to do it that is safe and can be a competition.
There are PLENTY of greyhound breeders, including those that breed them for hunting and show. Look them up through the kennel clubs (such as the AKC). It is really pretty easy to find.... The person that said they are just bred for racing really doesn't know what they are talking about. The VAST number of greys bred are bred for PETS and SHOW.
There sure is Greyhound breeders and you can find responsible breeder threw the Greyhound Club of America. Racing Greyhounds are destroyed by the owners when their racing time is over and many of these dog are taken out back and shot. Some are not very old just not good racers so they kill them. Some owners of racing Greyhounds are coming around and surrendering their dogs to rescues. It is great for a breed that loves to run but is just as happy sitting on the couch with you.
they are pretty much just bred to race