> Hair question need help.?

Hair question need help.?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I have bangs so I am about to take a shower at night, but since I have pimples on my forehead from grease and hair on forehead I usually wear a hairband at. However I want to take a shower at night right now, but if I use a hairband at night my hair will be messed up because I usually wear it at night and shower in the morning. So should I not use a hairband and just take a cold shower? I have to take a shower tonight btw
Just try scrubbing very thoroughly on your forehead and if you have Sea Breeze facial scrub, it works really well! Don't worry about your acne right now because your bangs should cover it. Once you start growing out your bangs, just use the facial scrub everyday until the acne goes away.