> How can I get rid of big zits on my forehead?

How can I get rid of big zits on my forehead?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I have really oily skin! Just get a good but gentle face cleanser. I was my face in the moring, middle of day, and at night. (make one of them while in the shower). In between, just blot your face with a toilet seat cover/ oil blotter. :) Also get this acne moisturizer it keeps your skin soft yet less prone to acne. Its called clean and clear!
Use ice to decrease the inflammation, wash your face every day, use a benzyl-peroxide treatment and also try the cupcake facial from LUSH it works wonders believe me it clears my skin up in 2 uses and it isn't drying it smells like chocolate I now so many guys and girls who rave about it