> How can I speed up the healing of an injured ankle? (Track meet on Monday)?

How can I speed up the healing of an injured ankle? (Track meet on Monday)?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
On Friday at track practice we did hurdles for the first time.... and me, being kind of short and muscular, didn't do so well. I hurt my ankle somehow.... and now, it is in a lot of pain. Not just my ankle, either, but my entire left foot. Today at practice I did horribly. The only person who seems to get that I'm injured its coach, who tells me to go easy. But everyone else thinks that I'm just slow and un-athletic, which isn't true. I honestly don't care what other people think of me, but I get picked on a lot and have a short temper...I can't get into anymore trouble or they'll just kick me off the team. Tomorrow I have to go back to school and I'm afraid people will tease me, which is usually the case. It hurts to rotate my ankle and walk. What should I do about it? Thanks in advance to those willing to help. And No thanks to trolls.
rest it ice it and elevate it and consider purchasing an ankle brace