So, I'm in charge of this club in school and this girl who used to bully me in middle school wants to join. This girl is one grade higher than me and when I was in middle school, every time she would see me she would call me names. She did that ever since I was in 6th grade up until 7th grade was over. And she honestly tortured me. She would follow me around when I tried to walk away from her shouting horrible names at me. And she would get her friends (She also got the boy I liked) to make fun of me too. BUT NOW, since I'm in charge of this club in school, SHE wants to join and needs approval by me to get in. Now, this girl acts as if she has never met me before. She acts as if she never bullied me in the past. I know its this girl for sure. I remember her face and her name. I just don't know if I should let her in the club due to past experiences. What should I do?
I was bullied in school but when all of a sudden they wanted to be my friends again I wouldn't accept it. They only want you for one thing then they are going to go back to why they normally do. I've been the through that kind of stuff. Sometimes I will forgive but I will never forget. I would let her in but it's also your choice to kick her out consider your responsible for it.