> I know that getting your ears pierced at Claire's starts at $20 but what are the most expensive earrings for piercing at

I know that getting your ears pierced at Claire's starts at $20 but what are the most expensive earrings for piercing at

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I don't need to hear that I shouldn't get my ears pierced at Claire's because they use a gun...blah...blah... blah. I am well aware of the risks of getting my ears pierced at Claire's versus getting it done by a professional. However I have gotten my ears pierce at Claire's before and I have been just fine it's just a matter of taken PROPER care of your new piercing, if they say you should clean it 100 times a day then do it(it doesn't actually require to clean it that often but you get my point).
Stop being stupid. Guns are bad. You didn't have any problems with your piercing before because you got lucky. Getting pierced with a needle is much more safe AND less painful, because it causes less trauma to your ear. But if you want to ignore the risks of life-threatening infections, bad piercing placement, and a piercing that may never heal properly, please, continue being an idiot and get pierced with a gun :)
I don't know the most expensive earrings you can get your ears pierced with. But why not just go to Walmart and get it done for free. The earrings they offer are cute and you don't have to pay $20.