> I think reproduction should be a privilege and not a right?

I think reproduction should be a privilege and not a right?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
There are far too many irresponsible people in the world multiplying. It would be nice if people had to pass a test to reproduce. Of course some irresponsible people would still occasionally slip through, but it would at least prevent the really bad ones from reproducing, like the junkie rapists who would sell their own kid for a fix.
actually, I agree. But it is politically and pragmaticalye impossible
Are u going to follow ppl around into their bedrooms and stop them from f*cking?
Talk about big government!
Who decides? What goes around, comes around.
that SHOULD happen, but it wont.because when you give someone a right, it is extremely difficult to take it away, because people do not like to be oppressed.
A simple test would be just to not support them. The herd would cull itself.
Democrats have with 56 million abortions. What's another 2 or 3 million more.
In an ideal world, yes. Not in this one. Decreasing the population would have drastic effects on health care revenues, private prison revenues, gun trafficking revenues etc. Big business CEO's want if anything more reproduction and mindless bodies to produce for them.
Yeah and so does planned parent hood. They have taken up Hitlers cause in the pure race.