> I look different in the mirror than in pictures?

I look different in the mirror than in pictures?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
When I look in the mirror I usually feel pretty good about myself... But when I take a picture I look absolutely atrocious. My eyes look smaller in pictures, my face looks fatter, and my skin looks worse... I don't know if other people see me as what I look like in the mirror (but flipped) or how I see myself from a cameras perspective... Does anyone else have this problem/has anyone told you that you look different in pictures/the mirror than in real life?
I have the same problem! I always tell everyone I look way better in person than I do in pictures! I have to take like 50 pictures just to find one good one! I seriously think they see you are you see yourself in a mirror. Cameras suck! I wish our eyes could take pictures because they'd do a better job. It's the same when I take pictures of scenery. It's better in real life than it is in a picture. Don't worry! Lots of people have this problem. It's not you, it's cameras! :)
Yes, I feel the same way. But its different for everyone. We all have different perspectives of ourselves. I used to be able to create a really good picture but then when I looked at myself in real life, I didn't like the way I looked. Now although I can take a good photo of myself, when other people take photos, I think they're terrible. This is probably because of the angle of which it is taken. You still are the same person you are, its just everyone sees differently. Just be confident with yourself and you'll shine through. When people are taking photos of me, I always tend to tell them to shoot it from higher up so it doesn't get any chin in there (you know what I'm saying ;) ) But you have to accept who you are. You are beautiful from every angle.