> I want to cut and burn myself.?

I want to cut and burn myself.?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Hes really hurting me I feel like my heart was broke in half and one part was stolen and the other destroyed. I love people and the world but no one really cares about me. I wake up everyday hoping to make a difference in the world and help people but all i get is bullied, neglected, mocked, rejected, abandoned and hurt. I want to die but i dont because i have people i need to look out for and protect too. I may not receive the mutual affection i give but i dont mind. i just want to help people. I just want to cut myself so bad. i know its bad but i know it will help. Please help me I dont know what to do. I have burned and slit before but not cut deep. Its my choice its not like anyone cares anyways, I just cant stop crying and sufffering i need a distraction and cure. The only thing that would help is if you answer my question maybe please im sorry to waste your time. Im soo sorry. :'( https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140410183414AAlygqj
I really know how you feel. If you want to talk email me
You seem like the nicest person ever. And i want you to know that you are awesome and that this depression and loneliness will not last forever. Like you said you have people to protect so they would probably feel devastated if you died. Just focus on school...(if you are in school) and try to make the best out of life. Not everyone hates you. I know that for a fact. I hope i helped!! :D