> If a cop pulls you over for speeding but doesn't give you a ticket?

If a cop pulls you over for speeding but doesn't give you a ticket?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I was recently pulled over for speeding by a patrol officer and he asked for my license, the usual stuff. I assumed I was going to receive a ticket but the officer spoke to me about the consequences of speeding and I told him a I understood and apologised in a respectful manner without blaming anything or anyone else. What I'm unsure off is whether I will get a ticket in the mail or not because he didn't give me a ticket when he stopped me or anything of that nature? Ive never heard of anyone getting a ticket in the mail after being stopped? I just want to know what to expect, be it a ticket or whether it was a warning?
If he didn't issue a ticket right there, it was most likely just a warning. He should have stated that you are receiving a warning today. Either way, don't worry, its all over now, you won't get anything in the mail.
The cop was trying to help you improve your driving skills - it's common for cops to do this - their remit is to prevent crime and by stopping you or indeed any of us, this gives them a chance to eliminate thousands of people from the progress. It may seem strange but by stopping people sometimes a target is hit square in the bulls-eye and suspect is captured. It happens. Worry not.
how many times are you going to keep asking this question Ben in different ways the truth is Ben, the people on this site can not for-see what that police officer will do so there really is no point in keep asking this question because no-one can give you a definitive answer as I said the last time you asked this if the cop said you was not getting a ticket, your not getting one
relax-you won't get a ticket.