> My hair won't curl with a flat iron!?

My hair won't curl with a flat iron!?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Hey everyone! So I love the curls you can get with a flat iron, and I watch videos on how to do it all the time and I get the basics but whenever I try to curl my hair with a flat iron, ( I have the KQC flat iron which says you can use it to curl hair too) it gets stuck halfway down my hair and I can't move it down anymore! I don't squeeze the plates together too hard and I always comb out my hair section by section before doing it. I just don't know why my it's so difficult for me! Do you guys have any tips to make the flat iron run down my hair smoothly without getting stuck halfway?
I do this all the time with my flat iron, sometimes I get the same thing happen to me but I think it depends on how many times you twist the flat iron when your hair is in it. If you twist the iron too many times your hair will wrap around it tighter and tighter, then it will get stuck. Try to limit the amount of times you turn it, and keep the iron moving down as you're doing it. If you pause and keep twisting, it will most likely get stuck. Also try and keep your section of hair only between the plates, and don't let it slide out towards the end of the iron. I hope this helps a little!