> Really annoying friend?

Really annoying friend?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I recently made a friend in my comic making class. Art is purely a hobby for me, the class was recommended to me so I can socialize more with people with the same interest as me. Well I became quick friends with this person, he is more serious about art and is very full of himself at times. He would often argue with the teacher when he was given criticism. I recently invited him to join a popular art site, it wasn't long before he posted a vague criticism on every single thing I post. He never explained his comments, he would just say 'anatomy is bad' or 'backgrounds are bad' or 'your characters aren't good'. Both on the internet and real life he never passed the opportunity to put down my art, he would even make it the focus subject of our conversations. He doesn't seem to understand he's being really annoying, I think he just does it to make himself feel like my superior or something. He is not a better artist, I constantly catch him making very rookie mistakes in his pieces, but when I give him criticism on his art he always has some excuse on hand to invalidate me. I recently told him to cut it out and he simply told me I can't take criticism. What should I do? I don't want to lose a friend but I don't like feeling harassed about this. Is there a way I can show him what he's doing is annoying?
Just tell him dude ur cool and all but sometimes you pass the line