> Should I curse my teacher out?

Should I curse my teacher out?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Ok so... My class had just finished doing p.e and it we stopped right when the bell rang so I decided to go and get a drink of water in the hall. And right before I was going to open the door a teacher was coming and said "where is she going" so I said what, where is who going, and he kept repeating it and finally he yelled it at me! So I told him I was going to get water and he said why so I told him because I just finished p.e. So he said hurry up. Then another teacher was coming(a nicer teacher) and I started walking to the fountain and he said to her," can you believe this one, she has lot of growing up to do when she gets into my class! I can't believe this". I wanted to curse at him so badly but I wasn't sure if I should have since we were still in school but school was out so. Tomorrow should I go after school and do it or not?
Cursing at a teacher would just confirm that you have a lot of growing up to do. There are much better ways to resolve conflicts. Oh wait... cursing at him would start up the conflict again which would be BAD. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
If its still bugging you in a year then id make a big deal about it. I have a feeling it will be long forgotten by then.
Never curse at your teacher. It doesn't make you intimidating. It doesn't get your point across better than speaking would, and never argue with your teacher until you're out of school. Also, you curse at him, and you're on automatic grounds for detention or suspension.
Don't screw yourself over with your teacher, you can confront him about it but don't curse him out.
Why not, film it while you're at it. That's the kind of world we are living in.