> Weird Bump in Weird Place?

Weird Bump in Weird Place?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Sorry to gross you out, but I have a weird bump in a weird place. There is a brownish-red, fairly big lump on the side of my vagina between the crease of my leg/thigh area and my vagina. I had one on the other side a while ago, but that went away. This one, although, has not gone away, and it hurts to wear anything because it rubs and it kind of has a sore feeling to it. I am not sexually active at all, so it can't be genital warts (and it doesn't look like that either...trust me, I made the mistake of looking that up.) Please leave any responses if you have an idea of what this could be. Thanks.
I had exactly the same thing, same spot and finally asked my doctor to take a look and it was a cyst. With a small incision she took it out and never to bother me again. Don't try squeezing it-justs makes it worse and more sore. She said that sometimes they're caused by an ingrown hair. I have had a few that were smaller too and the just re-absorbed It will feel fine if you just get it removed.